Yes, this is more or less the way it works. RegScrubXP (which I've used for 
several years) has a serious focus problem and you _do_ need to keep 
pressing ALT+TAB to move away from, then back to the main program window. 
The scripts, as far as I've been able to determine, do nothing to overcome 

As to where you placed the scripts, you'd need to put them into the user 
files folder in every version of JAWS you have installed if you want them 
available regardless of which version you have loaded. There's no way to 
have any scripts installed in only one location and have them available to 
multiple versions of JAWS.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "one foxy lady" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "jaws help" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 9:04 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Reg-Scrub and Scripts

I need advice please if I installed the jaws scripts into the correct
version of jaws which I put them into 7.10 and am wondering if I should have
placed them into jaws 7.0?
When I ran the program I kept loosing the window I could route jaws to read
but just doing the say line I would hear blank and when I did the title it
said the usual no window is active..
When I went to the desktop and alt tab then the reg scrub window appeared.
So I'm wondering if this is the way this works or if the scripts were placed
into the wrong jaws version?


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