CSS is nothing more than instructional code to control how HTML behaves.
Your web page is written / structured using HTML.
How that structure looks and behaves is controlled by CSS code.
Hope this helps.

On 07-Apr-2017 8:45 am, Lenny McHugh wrote:
Glen, my web page is written in html. I want to convert it to css for
both compliance and to give the option for the viewer to change color
and font size.

-----Original Message----- From: Dialup@56k
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 11:39 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] convert html to css


CSS code is instruction code defining how html code will look / behave.
They are two, although related, separate entities.
You MIGHT be able to write html without CSS but it would be hard work
and would not comply with any current W3C standards.

On 06-Apr-2017 1:27 pm, Lenny McHugh wrote:
Is there a utility that will convert my html web page to css? I think
that I
have over 20 pages or files that would have to be manually rewritten. I
stumble through html it would take me a very long time to try and
rewrite in
css. It would be nice if such an animal exists that it also would be jaws
friendly. I would like to add the option for people to change both
color and
font sizes for readability.


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