I was listening to Jaws while the disabilities tech was setting things up
and I'm sure I heard pop 3. As for my internet service provider, that is
Optimum and they are infamously unhelpful. But I will say that the last time
I had multiple copies, I was using Outlook 2003, which I loved, and the
multiple copies were a sign that it was corrupted. Since Microsoft no longer
supported office 2003, I had to change to office 365. I would have stayed
with 2003 forever if I could have.


-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List <jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com> On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2018 4:57 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws 18 and Outlook 2016

Hi Miriam,
Not sure about your many issues but the multiple copies of emails is not
Outlook's fault.  
That is something happening with your email provider.  I would call their
tech support and ask them to help with your receiving multiple copies of
Also, do you know the difference between your email being set up as iMap or
POP3?  By default Outlook likes to set up nowadays as iMap and if you do not
have your email on a cell phone you should be using POP3.  Ask your email
provider about that as well.  Also ask them to help you set your Outlook to
delete messages off their server once downloaded.

George A. Martinez, CPA
12231 N. 50th Ave.
Glendale, AZ 85304

"He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more; He
who loses faith, loses all."  Eleanor Roosevelt

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List <jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com> On Behalf Of
Miriam Vieni
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2018 12:36 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws 18 and Outlook 2016

Well, Outlook is a mess. I have multiple copies of the same message some of
the time, I can't get to the emails sent to the, "to Miriam", folder, I
can't address emails unless I have the email address stored in a word
document which I've kept with some addresses or if I can steal an address
from an email list. If someone can figure this out and help, I'd love it. I
don't do all that well with technology. I'm old. My hearing isn't great. I
had a young sighted person here with me on Friday which made dealing with
Microsoft easier, but  there were 2 calls with 2 different people and it
took hours! And in the end, only one piece of the problem was fixed.


-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List <jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com> On Behalf Of
Adrian Spratt
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2018 1:13 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws 18 and Outlook 2016

Miriam, no, the problem isn't with JAWS 18, at least none of the ones you
identify. I'm also using Outlook 2016, along with Windows 7. 
I have bad experiences with Microsoft Disability support, unless the problem
turns out to be really simple, in which case I don't need them! I'll only
call them as a last resort, and even then I've had to find someone else to
fix the damage they do.

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List <jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com> On Behalf Of
Miriam Vieni
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2018 12:11 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Jaws 18 and Outlook 2016

I'm wondering if there is a problem with Jaws 18 and Outlook 2016 because
the Microsoft disabilities tech person thought that this might be causing my
difficulty. Outlook stopped functioning. When I called, the first person set
up a new profile in Outlook, whatever that is. But then the problem
actdually persisted. Outlook would open, begin to work, and then stop
functioning. I called again. The second tech person replaced all of office
365, promising that all the settings would remain the same. They didn't. But
the other problem is that everything worked except the, "to Miriam", folder
to which all my important emails go. That one continues to close. I asked
him to remove that folder for me and set things up so that everything goes
to the inbox, but he refused. Also, I can't address emails. Auto complete
doesn't work properly and unrelated email addresses appear, even if I just
try to write in an address. I managed to get to the address book one time,
but couldn't use it to address  an email. I'm sending this because I can
read emails from my inbox and use one of the email addresses  from that.
Microsoft is having someone from a higher level call back on Monday. Before
that happens, I want to know if anyone who is still using Jaws 18 and is
using Outlook 2016   has had a similar problem.


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