Hi Erin.

I may be a little late in replying to your email, as by my time i've established its now the afternoon and you've probably already got your self a laptop. But i'll do my best to summarise. In terms of jaws and the mac, they do not work together. The 3 versions of windows 7, indeed its confusing, firstly i'd advise you to get the 32 bit version if that's what you've previously used as that guarantees compatibility with current programs which is what most users opt for if they're not running servers or memory intensive applications.

2GB or more of ram and a minimum of a 120 GB hard drive should be more than enough for your needs.

As for windows7 versions, what versions are they offering in your part of the world? windows7 home basic is probably not worth going for, go for windows7 ultimate or windows7 home premium. home premium will be fine for your needs, home basic would probably do the job as well but to be on the safe side, get home premium. there aren't many differences, ultimate offers everything windows7 could ever have offered you, home premium verses home basic? home basic doesn't offer media center recording from TV cards, aero affects etc as far as i know? its been so confusing as microsoft being microsoft couldn't just stick to 1, 2, or even 3 editions we've got 4 or more versions of the same operating system to choose from, home basic, home starter, home premium, ultimate, server, etc. ah well, that's microsoft for you.

Bottom line: go for a laptop. Macs are generally more expensive and i'm not just saying this because i'm biost towards windows, i'm saying it because i don't like a company that's arogant and full of them selves and that don't even let me customise my devices with out a fight! In regards to your jaws licences, some users have said that your jaws licence would work on all windows7 versions, i could be wrong in this regard as i'm not using windows7 yet with the version of jaws i have. regarding your sound issue, that can probably easily be fixed if we patch your stereo mix output instead of your microphone input so people will be able to hear jaws. that's easily done i believe from within windows7 and i can give you a hand trying to get this feature to work.

I hope this has been of some help to you, if you have any further questions, drop me a line.


Erin wrote:
My name is Erin, and I'm new to the group.
I use Jaws 10 and 11 standard.
I am going tomorrow to get a new laptop.
I've been told that I either have to get seven or a mac. I don't know if jaws works with either one of them. And if it does do I need jaws standard or pro. Also, I saw there were three different versions of seven, and I don't know what the differences are. I like to do several things on my computer. Burn and rip cd's, download music, convert things with GoldWave, join things together, play games and much more. I also love to go to chatroom sites and play yahtzy. right now people can't hear me using my vista laptop. I've been told it's because of my sound card. However I've tried both speakers and external sound cards. People still can't hear jaws.
As I said I'm getting a new laptop, and I'm looking for input.
Things like, the size of the harddrive, how much ram, 32 or 64 bit, operating system, microsoft verses mac, sound card, what version of jaws, and everything, and anything else, people can advise me with more information. i'm going in the morning, sorry for such short notice, but it suddenly came up.
Thanks for all the help you all can give me.

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