Chris I believe you are a very smart person with much to contribute. I often
use your info for assistance. However, having said that David is correct. If
you have a complaint contact FS and it's up to them to agree or disagree
with your opinion. And, you or somebody correct me if I am wrong but isn't
it true that you can only install a copy of Windows 7 on one machine?

-----Original Message----- From: David Ferrin
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Why I am not going to use JAWS

That's it young man, if you don't leave on your own I will make it happen
for you. The guidelines clearly state if you have a problem with Freedom
Scientific take it up with them, this list is not the forum for bashing
their products.

I absolutely will not put up with such garbage at all. We have what we have
to work with and that's how it goes. No answer or adaptive system is perfect
but we need such programs in order to make our lives better and more

Either way that is the end of this conversation.
David Ferrin
I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I'll probably screw that one up
----- Original Message ----- From: "chris hallsworth" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 7:09 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Why I am not going to use JAWS

Hello all.
I will publicly state why I am refusing to use JAWS. It is Freedom
Scientific's attitude towards pricing and their license schemes. Some of
us can't or won't afford to buy JAWS, especially if the free one is just
as good as JAWS. As for the license scheme, the user is punished to
license JAWS on up to three machines. With the free and even other
commercial screen readers one can install on as many computers as they
have so long as one machine is used at a time, no questions asked. With
JAWS, once all three authorizations have been used they would then have
to request FS for more keys. Eventually and I will say eventually they
will refuse flat and get paranoid about people sharing authorization
keys. I understand piracy and all that and I certainly don't commit to
any of that stuff however at the same time FS is just asking for money
and not caring about the customer. True there is a dongle option, but
even they can have their fair share of problems. Now for the technical,
I do find the free one to be actually more stable and even works with
more applications than JAWS. You may find this shocking but this is true
according to my personal experience.
Take care.

Chris Hallsworth
You can contact me at the following channels:
E-mail and Facebook:
Skype: chrishallsworth7266

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