Hello Listers,
I helped my girlfriend get skype.  When ever I try and sign her in, I can't see 
the edit field ware to put her skype name.  all I see is forgot skype name? 
link.  Then I arrow down and it says list item selected edit.  This is the edit 
field ware I put her skype name.  Around the edit field there are 2 "".  I 
press enter this activates the edit field with in the edit field it self, again 
I see"".  I backspace these "" out of the edit feeld.  Then I proceed to enter 
the skhype name,  Tab put the password then sign in button.  It tells me that 
the skype name and password were not recognized. Some how the "" come back Can 
some one please help?  She Is running XP home Jaws 11.  Sorry for the long 
explanation    .
Windows Live ID:
Skype ID:
John F. Kennedy
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