I am using jaws seventeen windows ten and WLM.

I have Jaws punctuation set up to read, none, And that works except that when jaws comes to an esclamation point it reads it. That is the only punctuation that jaws reads. How can I get jaws to not read the, punctuation when it comes to an esclamation point?

-----Original Message----- From: Mike B
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2015 11:07 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Two questions

Hi LeDon,

I only have an answer for question #1, actually 3 answers:
1. I have just updated to jaws seventeen and am using windows seven. . How
do I set punctuation to, none?
Answer #1:
1. If you are running Jaws from the system tray press, Insert + J, to open
the Jaws context menu.
2. Press the letter, H, to open, Help, or arrow down to Help & press enter
to open.
3. Press the letter, Z, to open the Startup Wizard...., or arrow down to,
Startup Wizard....& press enter.
4. Go through the Startup Wizard making your choices & following the

Answer #2:
If you want your punctuation set for, None, in all applications try the
1. Open the Settings Center in either of these 2 ways.
A. Press, Insert / Jaws Key + 6, on the number row above the main keyboard.
B. Press, Insert / Jaws Key + F2, to open the, Jaws Manager, arrow down, to
Settings Center, & press enter.
With the Settings Center open press, control, shift , + D, to open the
Settings Center Default All Applications.
2. Arrow down to, Punctuation, right arrow to open.
3. Arrow down to, Punctuation Level, press the spacebar until you hear Jaws
report, None.
4. Tab to the, Apply button, press the spacebar, tab to the, Okay button, &
press enter to save & close.

And the bonus answer #3 is:
While in any application press, Insert _+ V, to open Jaws quick settings,
arrow down to Punctuation, press the spacebar until you hear the level of
punctuation you want, tab to the Okay button & press enter to save / close
quick settings.
Take care.

----- Original Message ----- From: LeDon Becker
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2015 6:33 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Two questions

1. I have just updated to jaws seventeen and am using windows seven. . How
do I set punctuation to, none?
2. I have just updated to jaws seventeen and am using windows, seven, and
using WLM.  all of my emails from this email list are going to the WLM junk
file,. How do I get email from this email list to go to my inbox?

Thank you for your help. LeDon.. How do I correct this?
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