Sorry everyone, but I feel like I have to defend myself. I made an innocent
comment on this list that obviously was misinterpreted by someone.  I want
the owners of this list to know I am not an advocator of illegal software.
I asked for help using outlook on a windows 10 laptop and someone suggested
I use my old outlook cd from my windows 7 laptop to install it now on my
windows 10 laptop.  I stated that someone installed it for me a long time
ago and I don't have a cd and don't know if it's a legal copy.  We all have
been there, being new to technology and letting one or more people help us
with something we have no idea about.
I remember being so new at computers that when I got my first one, it just
sat there for months on a desk, because I had no idea even how to turn it
on.  I remember hearing the terminology desktop, task bar, etc.  and me
scratching my head and saying to myself huh?  If my outlook copy is legal or
not, I have no idea.  I certainly can't be held responsible for what people
did to help me over 7 years ago.  I sent emails to this group asking for
help on how to navigate the website so that I may purchase
Microsoft word and or outlook.  Apparently I was kicked off another list
without warning because supposedly I use illegal software.  For the record
this is not true.  My family just spent this Christmas 850 dollars to buy me
a new laptop, I continued to spend 300 dollars to upgrade my jaws licence, I
spent 100 dollars to by the code factory vocalizer expressive voices for
NVDA, and if I need to I will spend money to buy outlook and word.  
I hope this clears up to anyone on this list who I am, and my intentions.
People shouldn't be so quick to judge and accuse.  If people use illegal
software that's their choice, I am choosing not to go that route, and for
someone to refuse me help and label me that way is unfair and unjust.  This
topic maybe irrelevant to the list and I'm sorry for that but I wanted to
clear my name so that I don't get kicked off anymore lists unfairly.
Please all accept my apologies and thank you for listening.
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