When using JAWS in conjunction with Visual Studio 2013 to learn how to develop 
applications in C# (C Sharp) I have encountered the following hurdles. Does 
anyone have any thoughts/guidance that will assist me in getting over these 

1.      The text editor has an option to turn on line numbering. Even with the 
numbering turned on, JAWS does not 'see' them and therefore does not speak 
them. Also, there are some tasks that are completed by entering information 
into the line number area which I cannot get JAWS to move a cursor into that 
2.      When syntax errors are identified, the editor places colored wavy lines 
under the source code where the errors exist. JAWS does not recognize these 
3.      On the left hand side of the editor window there is a vertical 
line/column where certain indicators are set/displayed. JAWS does not seem to 
recognize this column as anything other than a left side boundary. The line 
numbers mentioned in the above item are to the left of this column. The odd 
thing about this is that JAWS does seem to recognize when things are there 
(breakpoint indicators and other indicators related to collapsing and expanding 
of blocks of code), but will not allow me to move the cursor there to set the 
breakpoint, etc.

If anyone has any information regarding either Visual studio or JAWS 16 
settings that I can set to get over any of these hurdles, it would be greatly 

Kevin Southard

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