Hi again Jaws Users group, let me start off with the positive review of
iTunes 12.4.

The newly designed iTunes store is awesome, the page's load very fast, no
waiting or hesitation, same when you press the backspace key to go back to
the previous page, works great.  The only thing that needs to be fixed by
Freedom Scientific is to make Jaws see the visited links.  I was able to buy
several albums with no issues, they downloaded a lot faster as well. So I
give iTunes an A-minus for the store, would have been an A+, if Jaws
announced the visited links.

Now when you first open iTunes, for example on my computer, iTunes opens to
the Artists list.

As I use the down arrow key, Jaws reads what seems to be some kind of a code
before the name of the artist, Jaws reads: "Description L1."

As I down arrow through the list of artist, sometimes I must press the down
arrow two times and then up arrow one time, and then down arrow again to
show the next artist, or when I use first letter navigation, I must do the
same thing to get Jaws to read the next artist, so they get a C-minus.

As you press the F6 key to jump across the interface, they have changed
things as well.  I personally think when Freedom Scientific makes the
necessary changes to Jaws for the new iTunes interface, I think we will like
it much better than any previous version of iTunes.

I am still playing around with iTunes 12.4; I am going to leave it on my
computer.  I am looking forward to the corrections from Freedom Scientific
to the Jaws 17 program that will allow us to take advantage of this new


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