John can you give us the info on Boundless and how to contact them? Thanks.
Judy & Libby


-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On
Behalf Of John Fitzgerald 
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2016 5:37 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Jaws issues and more

Hi Everyone,


I am putting this info out so that you can recognize some of the signs and
hopefully prevent someone from being taken, and I apologize in advance if
this doesn't meet the strict guidelines for the list.


My computer started acting weird a couple of days ago, it popped up saying
the magic and jaws were installed incorrectly and the they were now running
in forty minute mode.  I did a complete shutdown and restart which seemed to
solve the problem.  The first time it occurred I thought it was just a


The next morning when I restarted my computer the exact same thing occurred,
and a restart solved the issue again.  The third morning I had no issues
after starting the computer for the day.  While checking my email I went to
the website to get the particulars on my  40th high school
reunion, I clicked on a link there to see a message from a classmate, which
brought up a popup stating that my computer was infected and that I needed
to call this 888 toll free number.  I tried to close the popup but it
wouldn't close, then I tried to close firefox and it wouldn't respond


So, I called the toll free number and got someone who spoed very poor
English, I asked him who he was with and he told me Microsoft technical
support.  I asked him once again and was told the t=same thing.  He had me
open the run box and put in hh space h and ftell him what was on the window,
then he had me find and connect to ? (forgot  this one).  At which time he
had full access to my computer.  At this point he was telling me everything
that I needed to do to prevent malware/ransome ware, then he launched  into
a sales pitch for three different levels of protection and he was going to
hand me off to a technician.


At this point the light came on, and I said " So let me see if I understand
this correctly, you put ransome ware on my computer, and now in order to get
it fixed you are pumping me for God knows how much money?", at this  point
he muted his phone, and I attempted to shutdowm my computer, but it didn't
respond.  I tried a second shutdown and still no response, so I did a hard
shutdown (held the power button down for approximately 6 seconds). Then I
pulled my Ethernet cable.


At this point I thought I was in deep excrement.  I then called the company
who did the AT build on this computer, I talked with a tech support guy who,
said "Oh my, is the computer on now?.  He worked me through giving him
access to my computer with the sighted assistance of one of my
granddaughtrs, then he got my jaws and magic programs going again, checked
to see what damage had been done, checked to see if funning the windows
updates was ok with me, started the 127 update downloads, and said that if I
had any more problems to call him again tomorrow.


If I hadn't had this resource, I would still be off line strggling to get
jaws and magic back so that I could function.  I guess the moral of this
story is "It can happen to you", and I can't thank the people at boundless
AT enough for their assistance. Not only did they save my bacon, they seem
to have fixed my initial issue of going into 40 minute mode.


I highly recommend Boundless AT as a source for Assistive Technology enabled


John Fitzgerald

Muse, Oklahoma 

Article V Convention of States



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