Hi there,

I'm currently working with JBehave and we implemented a Context object 
where we store data that we need to share between different steps.

Now, we are considering some improvements on this, like explicitly passing 
this data to the methods that implement these steps.

Imagine you have a first step which will create a user and store its 
credentials into the Context.
These credentials are needed in the second step. We would like to have some 
kind of annotation that allowed us to implement our step like this:

@When("...some step definition which includes some $parameterFromStep")
public void someMethod(String parameterFromStep, @FromContext(
"userCredentials") String userCredentials) { ... }

We tried to implement some logic that would take the parameter from the 
Context and pass it to the method. The problem with this is that JBehave 
doesn't find a method matching this step, as the method has the wrong 
number of parameters (it expects 1 but the method has 2).

So my question is: Is there any way of doing this with the current 
implementation? Is there any way to force JBehave, for example, ignore the 
parameters that are annotated?

I would really appreciate some guidance on this. Let me know if something 
is something needs extra clarifications, please.

Thank you guys.

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