
I want to check in some minor changes for a bugfix but I have one or
two questions first before I screw things up :-)...

1. What's the situation with the test suite on different platforms. I
get a more errors than the number in the standard automated report? I'm
running on NT - do some of the tests only work on Linux?

2. The bug was reported on version the version 2.4.x branch. Should I
change the code here as well as in the main branch? If so is there some
way of doing this other than checking both trees out of cvs and making
the changes in both of them separately?

3. Does anyone know if it's possible to configure Together to apply the
JBoss code guidelines on indentation - it only seems possible to get it
to use a fixed indentation width.



 Luke Taylor.                                  Monkey Machine Ltd.
 PGP Key ID: 0x57E9523C                        http://www.mkeym.com

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