On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Jason Dillon wrote:

> What changes need to be make to make things fit into FHS?

configuration in /etc/jboss.

log files in /var/log/jboss

cache data(extracted ears, wars, etc) in /var/cache/jboss

Deployment done by the local admin should be done in /var/lib/jboss

All files in jboss are architecture indepenant, so they go in /usr/share.

Documention in /usr/share/doc/jboss.

java jars(not ejbs) go in /usr/share/java.

jboss files in /usr/share/jboss.

JBOSS_HOME is set to /usr/share/jboss.  There are symlinks in this dir, to the
various other locations, to make sure the system runs as it is supposed to.

> What do you mean external source?

Source that was download from someplace on the web, and is used by jboss, but
not incorporated into jboss.

> Can you be more specific about what parts of the current 3.0 dist are not
> allowed?

Give me some time to look up the upstream location of all those things.

> The build system probably won't work with "broken" anything.  What non-free
> code and external code are you talking about?

Give me some time to do this.

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