On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Jason Dillon wrote:

> I thought you said that there were .debs available for the thirdparty stuff
> already.  Perhaps I misunderstood.

For some stuff, but not all.

> Is it possible to upload non-free stuff to debian at all?  If not, then this
> is wasted effort as JBoss will not run without these componets.

Some non-free stuff, yes.  It is ok for a package in contrib to depend on
something that is not available for installation in Debian.

> If there is, then lets package up each one from its current locatation and
> make is a seperate package and have jboss depend on it.  Call them
> jboss-thirdparty-<package> or something.

For JBoss.org, this is perfectly acceptable.  However, for the real upload to
Debian, this won't work, as I have said previously.

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