I know. The point is as far as I am concered this is the most basic of 
cases. We want to avoid users having to know jboss'isms unless they are 
doing something quite weird.

Dmitri Colebatch wrote:

> You can set a different column name using @jboss:column-name (see
> http://xdoclet.sourceforge.net/jboss.html#column-name)
> cheers
> dim
> On Fri, 16 Nov 2001, Dave Smith wrote:
>>I'm using xdoclet to generate the ejb-jar.xml file. When you are 
>>generating the accessor methods it automaticly assumes that the accessor 
>>name matches the database column name. So in your example by default it 
>>is looking for a database columns named composer and performer.
>>This is a packaging issue, ie how much work and how confusing is it to 
>>generate the ejb-jar.xml files. From my point of view I think that the 
>>simplist case is that each database column has a matching get/set method 
>>  . So in xdoclet ..
>>Musician {
>>  String name;  // pk
>>  /**
>>   @ejb:persist-field
>>   @ejb:relation name="songs_composer"
>>  */
>>  Collection getComposedSongs();
>>CDTrack {
>>     String uuid; // pk
>>  /**
>>   @ejb:persist-field
>>   @ejb:relation name="songs_composer"
>>  */
>>   Musician getComposer();
>>          <ejb-relation-name>songs_composer</ejb-relation-name>
>>          <ejb-relationship-role>
>>             <multiplicity>Many</multiplicity>
>>             <relationship-role-source>
>>                <ejb-name>CDTrack</ejb-name>
>>             </relationship-role-source>
>>             <cmr-field>
>>                <cmr-field-name>composer</cmr-field-name>
>>             </cmr-field>
>>          </ejb-relationship-role>
>>          <ejb-relationship-role>
>>             <multiplicity>One</multiplicity>
>>             <relationship-role-source>
>>                <ejb-name>Musician</ejb-name>
>>             </relationship-role-source>
>>             <cmr-field>
>>                <cmr-field-name>CDTrack</cmr-field-name>
>>                <cmr-field-type>java.util.Collection</cmr-field-type>
>>             </cmr-field>
>>          </ejb-relationship-role>
>>       </ejb-relation>
>>Tables ..
>>Musician {
>>   String name;
>>CDTrack {
>>   String uuid;
>>   String composer;
>>Got it?
>>Dain Sundstrom wrote:
>>>>Dain Sundstrom wrote:
>>>>>>OK i'm playing with the latest RH CVS and testing out 1 to many 
>>>>>>relations (bi directional). So ..
>>>>>>Table1 {
>>>>>>primary_key int,
>>>>>>TableMany {
>>>>>>primary_key int,
>>>>>>table1_key  int,
>>>>>>class Table1 {
>>>>>> int getPrimary_key()
>>>>>> Collection getTableMany();
>>>>>>class TableMany {
>>>>>> int getPrimary_key();
>>>>>> int getTable1_key();
>>>>>>the problem is that when it tries to fetch TableMany it looks for a 
>>>>>>field  called table1_key_primary_key. It would seem that the 
>>>>>>default key 
>>>>>>should not be made up but the foreign key of the other side of the 
>>>>>>relationship. So line 80 of 
>>>>JDBCRelationshipRoleMetaData.java should 
>>>>>>just be
>>>>>>tempCmrFieldName = relatedRole.getEntityName();
>>>>>1. Defaults can be overridden.
>>>>This is the default case. The strange cases should be 
>>>>overridden. Read 
>>>>Marc's bit about packaging.
>>>What bit about packaging? 
>>>>>2. What happens when you have two one-to-many relationships 
>>>>between Table1
>>>>>and TableMany?
>>>>Doesn't matter you still need Table1's primary key in 
>>>>TableMany. So you 
>>>>would have
>>>>Table1 {
>>>>  Collection getTableMany();
>>>>  Collectiont getTableMany2();
>>>>TableMany {
>>>>int getTable1_key();
>>>>int getTable2_2_key();
>>>You have lost me.  What is the problem?
>>>Let us clean up the example:
>>>Musician { 
>>>   String name;  // pk
>>>   Collection getComposedSongs();
>>>   Collection getPreformedSongs();
>>>CDTrack { 
>>>   String uuid; // pk
>>>   Musician getComposer();
>>>   Musician getPerformer();
>>>You would get the following table:
>>>Musician {
>>>  name
>>>CDTrack {
>>>  uuid,
>>>  musician_composer_name,
>>>  musician_performer_name
>>>As you can see you get fk with the following pattern:
>>> <related_entity_name>_<cmr_field_name>_<related_entity_pk_field_name>
>>>unless the many side does not have a cmr field for the relationshiop then
>>>you get:
>>>Or am I answering the wrong question? 
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