On 2001.12.29 14:28:26 -0500 Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> I'm trying to convert my postgres-ds-service.xml file into a sar, so I
> don't
> have to copy the jar and then the service file.  I created a sar file
> with
> my previous service file at META-INF/jboss-service.xml and the postgres
> jar
> (jdbc7.0-1.2.jar) in the root of the sar. Now when I copy the jar to the
> deploy directory, I get an exception about not being able to find the
> jdbc7.0-1.2.jar file.  In my jboss-service.xml file I have the following
> xml:
> <server>
>    <classpath archives="jdbc7.0-1.2.jar"/>
>    ....
> </server>

> Do I need to add something to the archives tag to tell it to look in the
> current sar?
Since you are including the jar in the sar, you should remove the classpath
element: it's there to help find stuff not in the sar.  Anything in the sar
should be picked up automatically.

> I there a way to integrate my sar into an ear?

I haven't tried this yet: it may very well work, there is some code in j2ee
deployer that is supposed to do this.  Try just including the sar in the
ear as if it is a ejb jar.  Otherwise I presume when marc is done it will

david jencks
> Thanks,
> -dain
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