Feature Requests item #531255, was opened at 2002-03-18 03:38
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Category: JBossServer
Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Alarik Myrin (alarik)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: SSL support for all sockets

Initial Comment:
>From a security perspective, having SSL support for all
services that use sockets would really improve matters.
 For example, JMS messages may well contain
confidential and sensitive data, and it should be
possible to encrypt their tranmission with SSL.

SSL has another benefit:  (I believe) it is a fairly
simple matter to configure the use of a proxy server to
proxy SSL sockets.  Many proxies are already configured
to proxy SSL on port 443, and thus it is possible to
allow real app-server access over the internet from
behind proxies that you do not control.

I don't know how difficult all of this is (perhaps it
is already possible, and I just don't know how to
configure it, in which case I apologize for wasting
everyone's time and would appreciate any direction
anyone wanted to send my way...)

I currently work on a software project that uses SSL to
connect to Weblogic over the internet from behind any
number of firewalls and proxies, allowing everything
from creation of InitialContexts, JMS messaging, and
EJB calls.  I actually may work on implementing this
request for a local build of JBoss with or without
encouragement, but certainly welcome


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