I only have two requests... 1) make the interface/page/whatever easily 
queried (via Perl preferably) and 2)make it part of the standard jboss 

For monitoring I'm going to want to write a plugin for whatever 
monitoring tool I use in order to collect statistical information as 
well as detect status (I'll be happy to write/contribute one for NetSaint).

Brian Macy

Rhett Aultman wrote:
> Gaaa!  I swore up, down, and sideways I'd have an MBean written for that, and I've 
>just had a really bad run in my personal time that's kept me from it.  I'm trying to 
>get that packaged up this weekend.
>       -----Original Message----- 
>       From: Michael Bartmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>       Sent: Sat 9/21/2002 8:49 AM 
>       To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>       Cc: 
>       Subject: [JBoss-dev] Health monitoring
>       Everybody heathy?
>       If you operate a 24*7 production plant with a server like JBoss,
>       you shurely care about the "health" of your server. Now in theory
>       this is nearly trivial: we have JMX and friends.
>       Any kind of monitoring can be done with it, but do we do? Of course
>       a lot of aspects are application specific, and for the rest of it
>       you may like to pull myserver:8080/jmx-console.
>       I still have some - trivial - thoughts about what could be done on the
>       server side to faciliate things; and I post my thoughts here to
>       collect some of your opinions on this (you care about health, do you?).
>       1) Threadcount
>       For me this is more or less a linux problem, allthough I found
>       questionable things even on NT4. The problem is that the current
>       thread count reported by the JVM is garbage. The best thing i can think
>       of is traversing the threaddump and counting threads on the fly.
>       2) Thread usage
>       If you are not an expert on every single part of JBoss, it might be
>       a detectives work to find out where all those nice threads in the
>       threaddump come from.
>       This is even more criticall, as we migrate to centrally managed thread
>       pools, where its more easy to do it wrong (not naming them appropriate).
>       Thread creation (and even pooling) doesn't come at no cost. I think
>       it might be affordable to do some more bookkeeping (factory?)
>       about how and when and from which part of the system (stacktrace?)
>       threads get allocated. This information - if accessible via JMX - should
>       give you a warm feeling.
>       3) Memory usage
>       I don't understand much of the JVM heap structure but I know of tools
>       (e.g. JProbe) which which can provide you with information about each
>       and every living object on the heap. These tools do at least use the
>       JVM debugging API, I don't know if they need modified native classes
>       to do so. If you do know, please let me know.
>       4) History
>       The current JBoss measures for counting threads and memory usage don't
>       keep a history about thread usage in the past. With a monitoring tool
>       online all the time we could solve the problem on the client side.
>       It should be trivial to support this through a collection MBean on the
>       server side. The interesting part comes with the persitence of this
>       information? What to do after some crash (out of memory)?
>       Perhaps log4j is the solution? Or do you favor database storage?
>       (Even that could be done with log4j and appropriate Logger/Appender setup.
>       5) Caches, pools and such
>       I would prefer more control on caches, pools and containers. If everything
>       is "done right" (with SoftReferences?) we should not fear out of memory due
>       to bad configuration.
>       But as I noticed on this list these aspects are on the TODO for Matrix2
>       anyway.
>       Ok, just me 2c, curious about what you think,
>       Michael Bartmann
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