other unrelated point :

We'll use web layer at the bank offices to avoid wasting band, so : is 
there a way to use load-balance at the ejb layer???
because I think that modjk does it just for http request, am I right??

lsanders wrote:
> Some additional comments:
> 1) If a hardware load balancer is out of the budget (Cisco local director series
> start at about $4000 - not too expensive), then I would recommend looking at
> "Linux Virtual Server" (http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/).  It is basically a
> customized Linux kernel to do the same stuff as the hardware solution.
> 2) We do not want to use clustered http sessions, because frankly our sessions
> are too damn bloated (yeah - we need to fix that, but alas there is only so much
> time in a day).  I was thinking about a way to cluster just enough session info
> to preserve login context, but to ignore the rest of the junk that is not needed
> (most of the our http session info is just database cache that can be recreated
> as needed).  Basically, the clustered servers would only share
> session-id/login-id pairs.  I haven't spent any time actually working on this,
> but I would love to hear comments.  Might this be useful to others?
> -Larry
>>- You'll probably want to buy some Hardware based HTTP load-balancer for
>>your web traffic.  Make sure it supports "sticky" sessions.  You can try
>>Apache + modjk + AJP13 if you want a cheap software solution.  Jetty and
>>Tomcat can be hooked in.
>>- Do you require HTTP Session replication and failover?  If its ok for a
>>user to relogin after a failover, I suggest not using JBoss clustering
>>features at all, (Except for net boot and maybe farming).
>>- On the performance tests I ran(ECPERF), replication had a 10% hit on
>>performance for 2 boxes running in a cluster.  You'll probably have more
>>than 2 boxes(but not much more).
>>- I suggest marrying the WEB and EJB layer into one JVM/process.  You'll get
>>better performance.
>>- Next what you have to do is guess peak traffic.  Multiply that number by 2
>>just to be safe.
>>- Next you'll need to write a stress test program
>>- Next you'll need to hire JBossGroup to help you out with all of this. :)
>>- Next you'll need to purchase a high quality support contract from
>>JBossGroup to iron out any problems you may have :)
>>At Mercantec we had 2 dual 900mhz CPU running Linux and JBoss, 1 dual 900Mgz
>>PIII running Oracle.  We could support traffic from 10K merchants.  But
>>that's our application.  How many users your app can support on a given
>>piece of hardware is totally dependent on the type of application you're
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>>>Emerson Cargnin - SICREDI Serviços
>>>Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 11:59 AM
>>>Subject: [JBoss-dev] [JBoss-user] capacity planning to use jboss
>>>Today i got a question from my manager (i work in a bank, there will be
>>>a web layer at the bank office and a central ejb layer) :
>>>"Emerson, how many boxes in the ejblayer do we need to support 800
>>>offices and more than 4000 simultaneous clients (from the offices).
>>>Imagine that you have available any number of xeon dual 2mhz with 2giga
>>>RAM connected through a gigabit lan, how many boxes of this kind do we
>>>I confess that i exitated a little. This is a though question, indeed. I
>>>think that CMP and mainly clustering will not have the same gain when
>>>you have too many nodes in the cluster, given the communication needed
>>>among the nodes to keep the data replicated.
>>>Does any one have any parameter for a capacity plan for a scenario like
>>>this? jboss group, any clue ??
>>>What could be the limit beetwen number of nodes and replication overhead?
>>>Thanks in advance for any answer : )
>>>| Emerson Cargnin          |
>>>| Analista de Sistemas Sr. |
>>>| Tel : (051) 3358-4959    |
>>>| SICREDI Serviços         |
>>>| Porto Alegre - Brasil    |
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| Emerson Cargnin          |
| Analista de Sistemas Sr. |
| Tel : (051) 3358-4959    |
| SICREDI Serviços         |
| Porto Alegre - Brasil    |

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