> - Generalization of the proxy factory framework to loose the 
> ejb specific items 
> manifestly showing up in the 
> org.jboss.proxy.GenericProxyFactory which should be 
> a more generic metadata representation. The only difference 
> between the http 
> proxy factory and jrmp proxy factory is a different Invoker 
> type and the lack of 
> a jndi name.


> - The whole Invoker layer needs to be migrated to the more 
> general remoting 
> framework. The remoting

Ok, I am unfamiliar with that framework.  The only 'surface' problem I
would have would be to tie it to JMX. The targets need to be identified
by logical names.  The logical names are mapped to 'handlers', for
example a JMX one that understands the target identifier as a JMX
MBeanName etc.  

> - There is an XMBean interceptor which implements the 
> invoke(Invocation) 
> handling in the 3.2.1 admin/devel book which should be rolled 
> into the codebase. 
> The problem here is that is has to deal with 2 types of 
> Invocations and two type 
> of Interceptors. This needs to be unified.

Unifying the interceptors would be a good idea.  The only thing that
needs to be "multiple" is AOP that deals with interfaces (Dynamic Proxy)
or the AOP that deals with raw objects and the javassist framework. But
definitely the SIGNATURE of the invocation should be unified so that
interceptors themselves come in ONE flavor 

Public Invocation invoke(Invocation)

And then we can weave these in the EJB contaienr, the XMBean container
(the first two should be unified in their constructions as well as you
point out) and raw AOP containers with assembly based on the XML bill
has.  But all the interceptors should have the same API, same thing with
the Invocation object itself, good call on that. 


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