Tbh, considering how much maven projects' (especially multimodule projects) 
layout is different from Seam project layout and considering how the Seam test 
framework 'tuned' for certain configurations and defaults I think it requires 
major work to make Seam tests work in maven projects.

In the meanwhile I am using shale test component for tests:

  | <dependency>
  |     <groupId>org.apache.shale</groupId>
  |     <artifactId>shale-test</artifactId>
  |     <version>1.0.4</version>
  |     <scope>test</scope>
  | </dependency>

It is enough to extend AbstractJsfTestCase (which can be combined with TestNG 
as well) and you get all mockups for JSF environment.

It requires somewhat more to code for this than you would with Seam tests but 
hey, at least it works :)

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