"nbhatia" wrote : Ok I checked out your latest tweaks on the trunk, and it 
seems like the problem is gone. 10000 messages sent and received without any 
hiccups!. That's great!
  | As a side note, it took 12 minutes for the full round trip, which 
translates to about 14 tps. Any tips on how this can be improved? Of course 
this is on my crappy laptop, but I will try it later on my new desktop, which 
has the Intel i7 processor.
  | Thanks again for nailing this issue.
  | Naresh

We know that JBM 2 can do many 1000s of msgs/sec even on a crappy laptop. 
Probably 99.9% of the time taken in your test is being spent in non JBM code.

Remember you're using MDBs and the JCA layer, both of which are parts of the AS 
(not part of JBM). You're probably opening and processing a JTA (XA) 
transaction for *every* message being consumed (JTA is heavyweight), again the 
JTA impl (JBoss TS) is part of the AS not JBM. JTA will require syncing to disc 
at several points in the 2PC commit protocol.

Then if you are doing other stuff in your transaction (maybe writing to a DB) 
you have the time taken writing, preparing, and committing the tx - that's 
processing in the DB, not JBM.

And finally you've got time processing your actual user code in your MDB 

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