jaikiran pai [https://community.jboss.org/people/jaikiran] created the 

"Re: getting started unit testing - embedded JBoss AS 7?"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/740865#740865

> Matthew Cornell wrote:
> Thank you - I'm still working on the terminology. I'm using "embedded" to 
> mean starting a Java EE server in the same JVM as the tests then shutting it 
> down when they're through. I understand I don't need a full blown container 
> for unit testing (which I can do with mocks, and with properly-designed 
> code), but I do need it for integration testing. 
Okay. That's what typically "embedded" means. Arquillian has 3 server 
integration types, "managed" (start/stop server as a JVM process), "embedded" 
(start/stop server within the same process that triggers the JUnit test), 
"remote" (join a running instance of server). AS7 integration for Arquillian 
does +not+ have the "embedded" mode. *But* the use case you mention - running 
the tests in the same JVM as the server can still be achieved via the others 2 
modes too. In fact, when you run an Arquillian test, the Arquillian 
infrastructure deploys the deployment to the server and depending on the "run 
mode" the test is either run in the same JVM process as the server or in a 
separate JVM as the client. By default, the tests are run on the server JVM 
(from your description that's what you want). If the test uses a @RunAsClient 
annotation for the test (the arquillian guides have more info about this) then 
the test is run as a remote client and does +not+ run on the server JVM. I 
believe, that should make this a bit clear. If you still have more questions, 
feel free to ask.

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