jaikiran pai [https://community.jboss.org/people/jaikiran] created the 

"Re: Use plain @EJB for remote EJB lookup?"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/820396#820396

> Mikal Henriksen wrote:
> But your answer made me realize that we also need to know the name for the 
> implementing class, since that's part of every standard jndi name. Thinking 
> about it, it seems weird that the client should have to know about the name 
> of the server-side class implementing the interface (the exception is of 
> course multiple implementations of the same interface). 
You don't need to know the class name of the implementing bean class. That's 
just a default that gets used. i.e. the bean name defaults to the simple class 
name of the implementing class. It can always be overriden using the +name+ 
attribute of the appropriate annotation (@Stateless, @Stateful, @Singleton) or 
via the +ejb-name+ element of ejb-jar.xml.

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