Maciej Swiderski [] created 
the discussion

"Re: Embedding in Play Framework"

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> M D wrote:
> 1) Has anyone tried integrating JBPM5 with the Java/Scala based Play 
> Framework. Please point me to documentation, if any, that can get me started.
Since it's Java based then there are no special things to do, it will be 
exactly the same way it can be integrated with any other java based solution. 
Alternatively you can consider to use jBPM as a service and access its 
capabilities via REST/JMS interface.

> M D wrote:
> 2) Does jBPM5 has (web-based) reporting capabilities like Activiti 
> (
>  (or in general does jBPM5's web console offer all the stuff that Activiti 
> Explorer offers)
Reporting capabilities are available in jBPM. In version 5.x they are based on 
Eclipse BIRT and provides only basic reports out of the box. In version 6 there 
is state of the art BAM component integrated with jBPM that provides huge 
amount of reporting and monitoring capabilities, take a look here for bit of preview. Please not that the video is 
slightly outdated but it should give yousome context of what's comming.
Unfortunately I don't know enough about Actitii Explorer to judge but most 
likely jBPM covers what is important from process managment point of view 
(process and tasks operations). See on the video some capabilities of the 
console too, just make a note that it has been enhanced a lot since that time.

> M D wrote:
> 3) How is 'authorization' handled in jBPM5? (Is there a way to create Groups 
> and do some LDAP integration etc.)?
Yes, integration with LDAP is possible out of the box. Usual case is when the 
jBPM runs inside the container (e.g. JBoss Application Server) and then you can 
laverage the power of the JAAS system. Configure the authentication and 
authorization on application server and jBPM will rely on that regardless if 
that is based on LDAP or DB or whatever else.


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