M D [https://community.jboss.org/people/bsnl] created the discussion

"Re: Embedding in Play Framework"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/827862#827862

Excellent, Thank you for taking time to reply. 
You are right in saying that the integration should be same as it would be with 
any other Java based solution. I was concerned because Play is a little 
different as it's *not* based on selrvlet (and breaks the whole EE paradigm) 
and prohibs one from using Java EE libraries that assume that a Java servlet 
will respond to requests (or any other stuff like servletFilter, 
HttpSessionListener). I being new to noth Java and jBPM wasn't sure if that 
would have any impact in integrating jBPM with Play. (I hope your reply still 
applies, in light of this information).

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