Senthil Sathiya [] created the 

"Re: Concurrency problems with JBPM 5.4"

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Hi Jon,

Good day to you . I am using Jbpm 5 in my current project which has a very 
similar requirement that you have listed above . I am trying to figure out a 
way to trigger a process instance based on the incoming AMQP messages . My 
requirement is to read Idoc xml messages from the Rabbit AMQP and process them 
via jbpm 5. Though the flow works fine within eclipse, I am unable to get it 
configured as a long running service deployed within gwt console. My question 
to you would be , was your project deployed within gwt consoleĀ  ? and the 
message listener that you confgured trigger a process instance that showed up 
within the web console whenever a message got read .?.

Your response will be greatly appreciated.


Senthil Sathiya

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