We have implemented a Custom JPA EntityManager, yes we are either "masochists 
and/or not very bright". The real reason behind this endeavor is that 
operations on entities (CRUD) actually occurs via xml messaging with a number 
of services. So, the EntityManager manages creation of the correct message for 
the operation called on the given entity. For the most part, implementing the 
JPA spec made sense. Developers can work with either our EntityManager or the 
one provided by Hibernate with little transition time. However, there were some 
things that did not correlate properly to what we needed and we did not want to 
force something that may end up confusing to developers. Queries were the first 
thing, and are simply just not supported. Transactions are a little stranger, 
the concept is somewhat the same but different enough that using the 
Transaction API would be confusing. So what we have instead is a Bundle, a 
bundle conceptually works the same as a transaction but differs in!
  that what we are actually doing is sending a number of XML messages "bundled" 
into a wrapper message. The receiving service will then perform the operations 
within a single transaction. This all works pretty well, so far. 

Now we are to the point of integrating this with Seam. So, we have an 
EntityManagerFactory, an EntityManager and a Session ( yes, we modeled this 
after Hibernate; does that make us genius' ). What we do not have is a 
persistence unit, which does not really map to a host and port number. What we 
would like to do is have Seam manage the EntityManager/Session and possibly the 

Our thoughts are that we may have to wrap our Bundle in a transaction 
implementation for either JPA or Hibernate. But, we are not sure if we can get 
around not having a persistence unit defined. We are slo unsure if we can try 
to mirror the Hibernate managed context in Seam or if we need to implement all 
of the JPA requirements and have Seam manage the JPA persistence provider. What 
is the easiest and/or best way to do this?

Any suggestions, pointers or comments are appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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