On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 07:39, Peng Zhao wrote:
> I met a big problem when developing and debuging.
> If I deploy the application as a "war" file, the jboss needs about 30
> seconds to deploy it. Although it is not too long, for developing and
> debuging it is not affordable! The time for waiting is longer than the
> time for fixxing the bug!
> If I deploy the application as a directory (e.g. "app.war"), the .jsp can
> be reloaded when I replace a .jsp file in the directory. But the .class
> file can not be updated once it has run. It seems the jboss has a cache
> for the loaded .class file.
> Because the debuging<->deploying is so slow, I wasted a lot of time for
> even fixxing a small bug. Furthermore, the .jsp is so slow when first
> loaded from the web-client. Is that usual?

I don't want to be critical of how people write and debug code, different 
techniques and processes suite different people.... but IMHO 30 seconds is 
brilliant! You *can* actually hot (re-)deploy parts of your application and 
connect remote debuggers to the running system and examine/modify it as you 
go. I'm in 7th heaven! (had to modify some old C code recently, hated it)

Hopefully I can fix more than one bug at a time and get a great turnaround. My 
early days in computing used punched cards and batch processing and the turn 
around was 1/2 day. You learned to be quite efficient in how many things you 
could test/fix for each run. There were student assignments at UNI that 
decreased your mark if you used more than N (a small number) runs to get your 
application running. This was a good thing, really focused the mind :-)

This has been said before and no doubt will again but I think that modern 
software development tools tend to produce a lax attitude to development and 
testing if you are not careful.

Now I'll get back into the box :-)

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