Hi Jboss community.

I’m sorry the class loading issue is discussed many times in this list, but I still have trouble to find my problem.
I use dom 4j in my webfrontend for xslt transformation. The dom4j version require an pacht of the jdk.
As described by dom4j I had patched my jdk 1.4.1 and put xalan.jar, xml-apis.jar and xercesImpl.jar in the jdk/jre/lib/endorsed folder.
Now I have a component I want to use in my application that require the old versions of the libraries.
Put the older versions of the libraries in a the lib folder of my component ear don’t fix the problem. ;/
Putting the new libraries only in the lib folder of my application ear don’t fix the problem as well not. ;(

Can someone point me to an resource that can help me understand where my problem can be, or someone has any hint for me?


Thanks a lot


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