Stefan Groschupf wrote:
Hi Eric,

thanks for your fast replay!



It sounds like the endorsed libs you are using are "hiding" the
webapp-specific libs.

So far I understand the java classloading concept.
My question where I have to store my libaries in jboss for both ear's ( that
need different versions )  - without patching my jdk.

Well, the patch of the JDK is simply to tell your Java runtime to use a more modern XML parser (I forget the specific versions of Xerces that are at issue). Using the endorsed directory is an easy way to do it because the runtime classloaders will check there first. However, what you are saying suggests that you need the older parser for some reason -- in that case you should probably remove the libraries from the endorsed directory and manually specify which parser library should be used using system properties. However I think that the system property is global to the particular JVM, so if your two different ClassLoader instances are sharing the same JVM, I am not sure if this will help you.

This is a snip from the JWSDP release notes that explains how to do it, however if it doesn't work then I do not have any suggestions... classloader issues can be very tricky and I don't know much about it.

From <>:

Overriding the J2SE SDK 1.4.x JAXP Endorsed Classes

To use the JAXP v1.2.2 component from the Java WSDP in a J2SE SDK v1.4.x environment, you need to create the directory <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/endorsed. Then, copy the dom.jar, sax.jar, xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar, and xsltc.jar files from the <JWSDP_HOME>/jaxp-1.2.2/lib/endorsed directory to the directory <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/endorsed.

Alternatively, you could set the java.endorsed.dirs system property to point to the <JWSDP_HOME>/jaxp-1.2.2/lib/endorsed directory.

Good luck,


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