At 11:39 AM 4/2/01 -0500, you wrote:
>> From: Jose Luis Marin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> My current /etc/emacs20/site-start.d/50jde.el contains the following:
>> (setq load-path (nconc load-path (list (format
>> "/usr/share/%s/site-lisp/jde/"
>>                                      debian-emacs-flavor))))
>> Do you mean I should change it?  In Debian (unstable) these are the
>> locations of ".el", ".elc", and the "jar" files (one example for each):
>> /usr/share/emacs/20.7/site-lisp/jde/jde.elc
>> /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/jde/jde.el
>> /usr/share/java/jde.jar
>> As you see, the "jar" files are located in a different tree.
>This might be problematic because AFAIK the JDE depends upon the jars being
>located right next to the lisp files like so:
>  <path-to-JDE>/lisp/jde*.el
>  <path-to-JDE>/java/lib/bsh.jar
>  <path-to-JDE>/java/lib/jde.jar
>with "<path-to-JDE>/lisp" being the entry that should appear in the
>load-path.  Perhaps the Debian maintainer wasn't aware of this fact when
>they separated the JDE jars from the lisp files?
>Paul, it might be a good feature enhancement in the future to allow the user
>to customize where the JDE jars are located.

I'm not keen on doing this. Adds yet another degree of freedom to the way
users can screw up their installations. I think users would be better off
following the instructions on the JDE website on how to install the JDE.

- Paul

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