Just an update for folks: since upgrading to emacs 21.2.1 this problem has
gone away.  BTW, starting up this version was a real shocker!  I'm still
not quite sure what to make of all the graphical changes.  Emacs has sure
come a long way.


On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, ABE Yasushi wrote:

> Hi.
> >>>>> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>>> Mike Charnoky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > First off: every so often, emacs simply hangs while I'm editing a file.
> > The emacs process seems to be in a busy loop (in the running state),
> > hogging the CPU.  When this happens, emacs is unresponsive to any user
> > input.  Sometimes, if I hit a C-g a bunch of times, I eventually regain
> > control, though it takes a while.
> this glitch is due to 'built-in search function's defadvice' in
> senator.el.
> I am doing like this patch.
> but some senator feature may not be able to be used.
> # it isn't being examined.
> ----

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