Hi Paul,

At 12:53 PM 8/26/2002 -0400, Paul Kinnucan wrote:
>The only people who complain about it are precisely the people who
>don't read the doc. I've explained why the JDEE requires use of
>customize in the JDEE user's guide. It's not an arbitrary
>requirement. The reasons are twofold: it reduces the tech
>support burden on myself and it enables the project file feature.
>I'd be glad to remove it as a technical requirement if somebody
>could suggest a way to implement the notion of project-local
>variables (as opposed, say, to buffer-local) variables that
>would allow use of custom but would not require it. Of course,
>this would lead to the return of the good old days of "power
>users" posting their .emacs files to the JDEE list so the
>rest of us can comb through them to find the places where they
>set JDEE variables incorrectly because they didn't read the
>doc or didn't read it carefully, or simply made a typo.

As I said - its your product and you have very valid reasons for not 
wanting to do this. Although I don't agree with the status quo I didn't 
write the code and so have (quite rightly) very little say in the matter. 
So I will take it that there is no interest in my providing updated docs 
and move on to other issues :)

>It just escapes me why some people prefer to write Lisp
>when Emacs is willing to do it for them. I guess I'm just not
>a power user.

Because as a UI custom sucks (apologies Per).


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