I have a source tree like this
 etc  --> conf files like web.xml, struts.xml, ejb-jar.xml
      com . . . packages
    web --> jsp, css, etc

I put a prj.el in the com directory (the root of the package tree) and i assume that the settings that are in the file should automatically affect any files below com (and hopefully whatever other jde-mode files that I open) but jde-mode seems to forget these settings constantly.

The settings that are the most important are the ant-mode settings. I need to set the ant-working-directory and the ant invokation method. I have had very little luck in getting this to work.

What typically happens is that i will run C-c C-v C-b and it will run make then i'll go to the jde menu and select customize--> project file --> Load All, the next time I run ant it will work but only once. right after the build it will conk out.

I guess I might just use the make-mode for running ant.

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