Paul Kinnucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In my ideal world, no setup would be required. If you did nothing, the
> JDEE would xref the code in the current package (or perhaps prompt you
> to enter a list of packages with the default being the current
> package) and store the result in the root of the project directory
> (i.e., where the prj.el file is stored). Further, you would not need
> to specify a classpath in addition to jde-global-classpath. The JDEE
> would be smart enough to process only those portions of
> jde-global-classpath where the packages that you specify live.
> Further, you would not even need to build the xref db. If there
> is no xref db in the db directory, the JDEE would build it the
> first time you executed jde-xref-first-caller.
> This would work great for the project I am currently working on
> here at the Mathworks. There are a lot of classes but they
> all live in the same root package. If the JDEE were set up
> the way I described, I'd just have to call jde-xref-first-caller
> to get started. No tedious setup.
> - Paul

Your suggestions are interesting, and they are doable, I think.  And I
agree that having a no-setup solution is desirable.  My problem would
be that they do require some guesswork, and that guesswork may go
awry, causing problems.  Let me see if I can code something up that
does what you suggest.

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