If you use senator, which comes with semantic, you can use the

C-c , j

and its effect will be similar to a flattened imenu setup.

Alternately, if you have senator running, look in the senator menu
for "Imenu Config".  In there, just turn off anything that says
"bin", and you will get a flattened version of imenu.


>>> Kai Grossjohann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> seems to think that:
>I have bound C-c m to the imenu command.  My idea was that I do C-c m
>on a method and then jump to the definition of this method.
>But, with JDEE installed, and thus Semantic installed, I instead need
>to do:
>    C-c m               invoke imenu
>    c RET               invoke "Classes"
>    TAB RET             select the only item, "class.Foo"
>    m RET               invoke "Methods"
>    .foo TAB RET        select the foo method
>I'm glad that I have partial-completion-mode turned on, for otherwise
>that last line wouldn't have worked.  I'm also glad that method
>return types usually don't contain periods in my code, for in that
>case my method would have failed, too.
>However, I like the Speedbar display with the submenus.
>Can I have the cake (better M-x imenu RET interface) and eat it, too
>(keep the Semanticized Speedbar display)?
>Like I said, when point is on a construct such as "foo()" or
>"x.bar()", then IWBNI M-x imenu RET selected foo (or bar) as the
>default method to jump to, so that just hitting RET goes there.

          Eric Ludlam:                 [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Home: http://www.ludlam.net            Siege: www.siege-engine.com
Emacs: http://cedet.sourceforge.net               GNU: www.gnu.org

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