On Thu, 2004-09-23 at 16:04 -0700, Suraj Acharya wrote:

> Was bsh running when you renamed the class? 

Someone else renamed the class, I simply synchronized my code base.  I
have since restarted Emacs several times.

> If the .class file is not in the classpath then getting rid of the
> files in ~/.jde-usages while bsh is not running should fix the
> problem. Please let me know if this works;

It did!!!  Yay!!!  :)

> and keep the old files around as I'd like to figure out how it got 
> into this state originally.

Oops, already deleted them.  :(  Though it sounds like it was a problem
with bsh thinking the old class was there, then usages putting it in
~/.jde-usages... and when bsh was restarted, usages telling bsh the old
class was there from its ~/.jde-usages files.  Bad cycle.


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