Would the problem be "solved" if comint returned code 1, instead of 129?

In other words, is the problem that comint returns an inappropriate
error code, or that comint returns *any* error code at all (i.e. it
shouldn't get an error from the subprocess in the first place)?


On Fri, 2004-10-08 at 12:32 +1300, Len Trigg wrote:
> Paul Kinnucan wrote:
> > No this is a problem with Comint on some combinations of Emacs and the
> > host operating system. I believe it may have something to do with how
> > comint handles standard error input from an external process, e.g.,
> > jdb.
> Yes, I think that's it too. I experience it and posted this bug
> report/test case to the XEmacs people:
> http://list-archive.xemacs.org/xemacs-beta/200408/msg00029.html
> (not that anything further has been done about it)
> Cheers,
> Len

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