Peter Saint-Andre schreef:
Remko Tronçon wrote:
I'm still more than a little sceptical of the need/benefit for this.
There are plenty of decent places to host project (sf, google etc),
I was just composing the same message. Who really wants this ? And
with what motivation ? It seems there are better ways to spend
resources and time of people for the community.

I tend to agree. Let particular projects figure out their own hosting
needs and find appropriate solutions. Some might host their own, others
might use a service. I don't particularly want to run a specialized code
hosting service at or anywhere else because it's just more
for me to monitor at some level (even if someone else takes care of it
all, as Ralph does with, eventually complaints bubble
up to me if there is a problem), and I'm lazy. :-) And I tend to dislike
centralization anyway...

Note, that in the initial message of this thread, I was proposing a consensus solution:
* no hosting service at
* central listing service with next interesting (IMO) features:
** centralised
** only active projects
** easier to see which projects are inactive (and are thus an opportunity for new contributors!)
** a clean, plain and simple list is sufficient

So, projects can choose their hosting service, but still they can be listed on a central list of *active* XMPP projects.

Use cases:
* "What XMPP software should I use?"-->"I prefer this and that project, and a full list is available at: http://ActiveProjectsList"; * "I want to write my own XMPP software. Where should I start?"-->"Contribute to an active project, see http://ActiveProjectsList or take over maintainorship of one of these inactive projects: http://InActiveProjectsList";
* "Which active projects support XMPP?"
* "What is the XMPP community?"-->"See the whole website including the page of active XMPP projects." * "Is it worth to implement XMPP support? Are there any other projects that my software will become compatible with?"

Mvg, Sander Devrieze.

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