Yeah, they both have plain only, forgot to mention that.

On Feb 4, 2008 3:22 PM, Adam Strzelecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> > When using ntlogon, I cannot get SASL to work.  Only when using TLS on
> > 'old port', will it connect with encryption.  Turning off encryption
> > works as well.  I tested all this with a clean install and no changes
> > to the config files except the server name and realm.
> Did you enable only PLAIN in c2s.xml for NTLOGON? Coz NTLOGON as
> mentioned ealier can work only with PLAIN auth.
> authreg->mechanism->traditional & sasl must have only <plain/> inside.
> (Rest should be commented out for NTLOGON)
> Regards,
> --
> Adam Strzelecki |: :|

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