> When (if) you accept this project idea, let me know (by mailing me directly 
> or by replying to this thread).

AFAIK, we don't 'accept' project ideas, we just propose them. It's
left as a task of the potential student to work this idea out into a
project proposal, optionally by talking to the person who proposed
this idea (although this information seems to be missing from the GSoC
page for many projects :-( ). Then, we rate the project proposals.

If you haven't already, look at the post from Carlo v Loesch on this
mailinglist on the IRC-to-XMPP gateway.

>  P.S. "Serverless (Link-Local) IM component" is good too, but for me it
>  is not a prime-priority, as i have zero-knowledge about
>  zero-configuration ;) , except a few basic ideas behind it.

Having zero-knowledge makes it all the more interesting! Another
interesting aspect of this project is that you can make many users
happy, as this project doesn't target one client/server specifically,
but all clients. However, these are just my 2 cents :-)


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