Tobias Markmann wrote:
On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Remko Tronçon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
When (if) you accept this project idea, let me know (by mailing me directly or 
by replying to this thread).
  AFAIK, we don't 'accept' project ideas, we just propose them. It's
  left as a task of the potential student to work this idea out into a
  project proposal, optionally by talking to the person who proposed
  this idea (although this information seems to be missing from the GSoC
  page for many projects :-( ). Then, we rate the project proposals.

  If you haven't already, look at the post from Carlo v Loesch on this
  mailinglist on the IRC-to-XMPP gateway.

  >   P.S. "Serverless (Link-Local) IM component" is good too, but for me it
  >   is not a prime-priority, as i have zero-knowledge about
  >   zero-configuration ;) , except a few basic ideas behind it.

  Having zero-knowledge makes it all the more interesting! Another
  interesting aspect of this project is that you can make many users
  happy, as this project doesn't target one client/server specifically,
  but all clients. However, these are just my 2 cents :-)


I proposed this idea and this kind of gateway because it won't harm
IRC users and will enable jabber users to connect to a certain
network. The operators of some IRC network would just have to allow
this new transport to connect to their other servers via IRC S2S
protocol and that's it. Though of course there is still the
possibility that the IRC people with their little egos won't like
that. ;)

I spoke with Carlo v. Loesch. Well, what can i say...They got semi-working (private messages, untested/partial support for channels and presence) IRC-XMPP gateway. Problem is, they are making psyc, some kind of merged conference technology...As far as i understand, psycd is a psyc (*silly cow*!) daemon for inter-protocol gating, including XMPP to IRC. Good thing is that i won't need to do it from scratch (actually it's kinda bad, since this way i am missing all the *fun* of hacking into xmpp/irc protocols). Bad thing is that i'll have to read psycd code (which isn't *smooth*), and i'll have to separate XMPP-IRC code from the rest of the psycd.

P.S. Been reading about zeroconf. Howl (from Porchdog) looks nice. Thinking...

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