Norman Rasmussen wrote:
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 12:54 AM, Sander Devrieze <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    This is not bad. For the Aunt Tilly user using the XMPP client it
should just work.

Agreed, this is better for the Aunt Tilly scenario, but far worse for the early XMPP adopter that can't receive files from his MSN tech friends, causing them to think XMPP can't do FT.
Yes definitely it should really work both ways or not at all IMO, its not all that hard to implement this and there are several ways you can do it, and if you have already implemented the transfer of avatars or custom emoticons in the msn protocol then you are most of the way to implementing msn filetransfer anyway. Then once you can send and receive files to the msn contacts on the msn protocol side its just a matter of implementing your chosen XMPP file transfer method on the XMPP side of the transport, be that SI/IBB/Bytestreams or just the passing of the URL that the XMPP client can download the file from via HTTP, personally id go for implementing SI and the jingle based method once that's finalised as the experience for the XMPP user will then be far more seemless.


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