TANSTAAFL = Taking Another Step Toward An Awesome Full Life?

On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jonathan Dickinson wrote:
>  > One of the things that makes my life easier /is/ the gateways. I work
>  > at a pro M$ company so they are Live Messenger through and through:
>  > despite my VERY BEST efforts to convert the entire company. Being
>  > able to use MSN via Jabber has been a huge help for me, but sometimes
>  > I have to log into MSN because of the missing functionality (we
>  > really do use the complete MSN feature set).
>  >
>  > Some people just can't convert completely.
>  Understood. But what features do most people really use? Is it just
>  presence and IM (and possibly groupchat), or do most people also require
>  the ability for file transfers, voice calls, emoticons (etc.) to go
>  across the bridge between Jabber and MSN?
>  And perhaps those who really do need the complete feature set could step
>  up to the plate and help fund work on the transports? Not everything
>  needs to happen through the XSF or the Google Summer of Code.
>  Peter
>  --
>  Peter Saint-Andre
>  https://stpeter.im/

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