Hi Nick,

Although I don't think an open letter would do much harm, I'm not sure it would do much good, frankly. Although I agree with you that lock-in strategies are diminishing in their importance in software given the net, in my experience it is *very* hard to convince commercial orgs...who are fighting with one another for these audiences...for different reasons...to change these ways. IMHO, for many it's built into their way of thinking about business (unfortunately).

But I don't wish to be discouraging (even if that's the effect). Perhaps an open letter would be a reasonable idea...especially if it came from a non-commercial entity. I would support it.


P.S.  correction:

Also, such an approach minimizes the effort in creating multiprotocol clients...not that it doesn't eliminate it, but it does reduce it to a more manageable level for client developers.

should be:

Also, such an approach minimizes the effort in creating multiprotocol clients...not that it eliminates the effort, but it does reduce it to a more manageable level for client developers.

Nick Vidal wrote:
How can Facebook (and others) win by adopting XMPP to its full potential?

If we can answer this question and write an open letter to Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Twitter, etc, successfully making them realize that this is the way to go, inviting them to have access to these valuable resources created by the XSF, then we all win. Are lock-in strategies still benefitial for them in this new scenario? I don't believe so, and I believe we can convince them of that. So how about writting an open letter to these influential companies? Who thinks this is a good idea?

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 4:44 PM, Scott Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi Folks,

    (Lurker materializes)

    One comment I would like to make about this discussion of whether
or not to work on multiprotocol clients/i.e. whytransportsmatter. It's not realistic IMHO to expect that the whole world will
    transfer to open protocols/XMPP overnight...as much as some of us
    would like to see this happen.  Rather I think the key to making
    this happen is make such transitions as easy as possible...by:

    1) Having lots of clients (whether single protocol or
    multi-protocol) so that UI innovation can occur and create new
    user value
    2) Having lots of good clients
    3) Having open clients (open protocol at least...and preferably
    open source implementations)

    As important as it is, I think it's still very hard to convince
    users that they should choose interoperability over UI features.
     So for interoperability to matter to users, open clients have to
    be as good, numerous, and innovative as well as support
    interoperability.  Further, multiprotocol clients can expose the
    value of interoperability to users while still giving them what
    they want:   easy/familiar connectivity to others.

    In order to help 1, 2, and 3 along, I/we have taken the approach
    of creating protocol independent communications APIs as part of
    the ECF project:  http://www.eclipse.org/ecf.  It's our hope that
    by creating a protocol-independent, open and extensible 'presence'
    API (as but one example) it makes it possible for developers to
    create either single protocol or multi-protocol clients more
    easily/quickly/with higher quality, and without taking a least
    common denominator approach to features (because both the core and
    all ECF APIs are extensible at runtime via OSGi either in servers
    or client applications).

    Also, such an approach minimizes the effort in creating
    multiprotocol clients...not that it doesn't eliminate it, but it
    does reduce it to a more manageable level for client developers.

    Anyway...I'm happy about the Facebook announcement too :).


    Sander Devrieze wrote:

        2008/5/15 Nick Vidal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
            Sanders: you do support users who use AIM and MSN, since
            you *waste your
            time* making sure coccinella works with transports. And
            you do support users
            of Microsoft Windows, since you *wast your time* making
            sure coccinella
            works in Windows. And this is a good thing! Thank you! :)

        My reply is here as already said before:

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