On 3/10/09 4:42 AM, Brett Zamir wrote:
> On 3/10/2009 4:37 PM, Norman Rasmussen wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 5:13 AM, Brett Zamir <bret...@yahoo.com
>> <mailto:bret...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
>>     Nice idea... I'd like to add lack of full XML and namespace
>>     support (ok, maybe not XML with notations, external DTDs, etc.,
>>     but processing instructions could have been handy)... But moving
>>     forward, no outlawing of namespaced attributes anywhere, and
>>     especially true namespacing in Data Forms... (and perhaps
>>     requiring acceptance of <s:stream xmlns:s='...'/>, etc., while
>>     we're at it).
>> surely that's an implementation issue? 
> Well, yes, but there are issues such as these in the specs:
> 1) RFC3920bis-09: "for historical reasons MAY accept only the 'stream:'
> prefix"

Perhaps it's time to throw out all that historical
backwards-compatibility stuff (it was there for jabberd 1.x).

> 2) RFC3921bis-08: "The <show/> element MUST NOT possess any attributes."
> (also with <status/>, <priority/>, <body/>, <subject/>)
> The latter could be made to state "MUST NOT possess any non-namespaced
> attributes".

IMHO we don't need to change the schemas for those elements. But it
would be clearer to say "there are no attributes defined for these


Peter Saint-Andre

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