On 26/04/12 15:45, nicolas de loof wrote:
> Olivier explained me the licensing issue with svnkit 1.7, with
> "TmateSoft License" is not compatible with Jenkins MIT as it requires
> all derivative to follow "complete source code for your application must
> be available and freely redistributable under reasonable conditions"
> MIT let you do whatever you like with jenkins, this would require a
> license change, mostly GPL
> This wouldn't apply if subversion is handled by another plugin,
> separated from jenkins core distribution. Would be also a good
> opportunity to get rid of those forks (during merge, I had to tweak the
> svnkit fork due to our for on trilead-ssh !)
> Maybe it's time for us to deprecate the subversion plugin. Not sure how
> to handle backward compat, maybe core could keep a fake subversion
> plugin to automatically install the (new) svn-plugin on first usage,
> like OSX Lion does for java runtime
> wdyt ?

I find some of your language confusing... by deprecate, do you mean
"remove altogether"?

If there is a licence problem that prevents the SVN plugin from being
shipped as part of Jenkins, then the answer is to not ship it as part of
Jenkins - if you need SVN, you'd just have to install it separately,
like any other plugin.

What was the reason for not using the JavaHL bindings again? (The Java
bindings provided with Subversion itself).

Anyway, I think the 'right' way to do this would be the way Subclipse
works - offer a choice between JavaHL and SVNKit.

That is to say, that the main Subversion plugin could ship as part
Jenkins and would use JavaHL, with "subversion-SVNKit" being an
extra/optional plugin (to avoid the licencing issues). There should be
no need to change the interface (i.e. how it's configured), except
adding the option to choose/prefer one backend over another...


Edward Cullen
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