
I would like to add a new plugin to the repo. As per the instructions:

The plugin name is: SemanticVersioning
My Github id is: ciroque
Existing Githib repo: https://github.com/ciroque/SemanticVersioning

The plugin parses both SBT-based and POM-based build definition files 
and populates a build variable for use in later build steps. 
Additionally, the version is written to a file in the artifact directory.

The second part of the plugin creates a new column that shows the 
version for the most-recent successful build.

The version is generated based on the value in the build definition file 
with the Jenkins build number subbed in for the, well, build number. 
SNAPSHOT builds are supported as well.

I searched around and the only thing I found that was remotely close is 
this project which has only skeleton files in place, no functionality.

In the short term I intend on adding parsing support for build.sbt 
files. I am most definitely open to feature requests and pull requests 
for enhancing the functionality.


Steve Wagner

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